

Growth Regulator to Increase Contract and the Volume and Quality of Fruit.

Nfetoxy Acetic Acid  1%
Naphthalene Acetic Acid 0,02%


Spray Precautions:

  • Do not exceed recommended doses.
  • Plants should be well covered with a spray solution.
  • Do not spray Amiton at high tempratures.
  • Amiton can be mixed with foliar fertilizers but an experiment should be done.

Benefits of Amiton:

  • Improves root growth of vegetables and fruit plants.
  • Activates the vegetable growth of most vegetables and fruit crops.
  • Promotes plants to move from the vegetative growth phase to the flowering stage.
  • Increases the precentage of root nodes in vegetables and fruit crops.
  • Increases tolerance of plants for environmental stresses, heat and salinity.
  • Improves the quality specifications of the fruits and thus increases their chances for export.



Dose & Dates of Use:


Rate of use

Purpose of use

Date Of Use

Vegetable Crops

60 G/100 L of water

Stimulation of vegetative growth

Spraying shall be done when the plants reach the stage of 7-6 leaves.


60 G/100 L of water

Increases fruiting

At the beginning of flowering and it shall be repeated 2-3 times within 10 days difference between each sprinkle.


60 G/100 L of water

Increases fruiting and quality of fruits.



Two weeks before the beginning of flowering and it shall be repeated 15 days after the first one.

30 days before collecting.

Two weeks before the beginning of flowering and it shall be repeated 15 days after the first treatment.

Reduces natural precipitation.


60 G/100 L of water




60 G/100 L of water

Increases root nodes and fruits quality.

First treatment shall be at the beginning of flowering and it shall be repeated 3 days within 15 days difference.

Citrus Fruits

60 G/100 L of water

Increases root nodes and fruits quality.

Available In 120 gm.