


Safe Plant X50

The Perfect Solution To Control Nematode And Eliminate Its Problems

Copper (Cu)2.5%
Potassium (K)  10%
Polycarboxylic Acids 16%
Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids15%
Inert Materials        46.5%
Sulfur (S)5%
Amino Acid 5%

What Is Safe Plant?

  • Safe Plant X50 Is a unique combination of natural oils and multiple unsaturated fatty acids that work by touching the insect's body fat and also interacts with it to kill the insect.
  • Safe Plant X50  works on uniformity in Plant growth and increases fruit quality and regularity in agricultural operations dates, which fecilitates the marketing of the crop and increases its profit.
  • Safe Plant X50 helps the plants resistance from adverse weather conditions such as high and/or cold temperature stress.



  • Safe Plant X50 used at a rate of 2-3 liters per acre with irrigation water at the end of the irrigation period that should be completed after adding  Safe Plant X50 for 10-15 minutes for emptying the irrigation lines from the product's remains. Dosage should be repeated from 15-20 days, depends on the severity of the damage.
  • Safe Plant X50 Suitable for all crops (Vegetables (Green house and open field) - Green Spaces - Fruits Trees - Grapes).
  • Safe Plant X50 Suitable for bananas by 2 treatments: First one 4 liters per acre and after 15 days the second treatment should be added at a rate of 3 liters per acre. Dosage should be repeated, depends on the severity of the damage
  • Safe Plant X50 Applied by ground irrigation, drip irrigation systems and overhead irrigation (different types of sprinkler irrigation).


SAFE PLANT X50 Mode Of Action:

1. Suppresses nematodes cholesterol biosynthesis and inhibit root knot nematode development.
2. SAFE PLANT X50 has essential natural oils which contain highly toxic nematocidal compounds that lead to inhibition of nematode eggs hatching.
3. SAFE PLANT X50 produces specific enzymes which destroy the eggs and prevent larvae from hatching and infecting new roots.
4. Some unique compounds in SAFE PLANT X50 when metabolized, they produce ammonia which is toxic to adult nematodes.
5. SAFE PLANT X50 catalyzes plant roots to produce wide range of biologically active chemicals and secondary metabolites, which are involved in plant defense against abiotic and biotic stress.
6. SAFE PLANT X50 has compounds that serve as low molecular weight flower pigments, antibiotics, UV protectants, insect- repellants and take part in the wound and defense responses of plants.
7. SAFE PLANT X50 Stimulates the plant to produce others natural compounds that are involved in induction of resistance in various plants. Moreover, it increases plant growth in terms of shoot length, shoot weight and root length as compared to the inoculated untreated plants.
8. SAFE PLANT X50 Has superior technology to create prevention entry barriers surrounding the root hair for very long period.
9. SAFE PLANT X50 Has fungicidal action so it could be applied as a pre-plant soil treatment to control or to aid in reducing the damaging effects of soil borne diseases such as: bacterial wilt, verticillium wilt, pink root; plant parasitic nematodes, symphylans (Garden Centipedes) and wireworms.
10. Apply SAFE PLANT X50 and harvest, do not wait and there is no required PHI. The healthy root system promotes good plant growth with high yield production whatever your crop and soil type, SAFE PLANT X50 will enhance its productivity with the latest, safest and effective global solution for nematodes.


SAFE PLANT X50 can be used for nematode and many crops including but not limited to: Legumes & Fruiting Vegetables: Beans, Eggplants, Lentils, Peas, Peppers And Tomatoes.

Bulb, Cole & Leafy Vegetables: Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Cucumbers, Lettuce And Onions. Root & Tuber Vegetables: Carrots, Potatoes, Radishes, Turnips And Sweet Potatoes.

Herbs & Spices: Anise, Basil, Dill, Mint, Peppermint, Thyme And Oregano. Small Fruits & Berries: Strawberries, Blackberries, Blueberries And Cranberries.

Citrus, Pome, Stone And Tropical Fruits: Apples, Apricots, Bananas, Lemons, Grapefruits, Pears, Plums, Prunes, Dates And Olives. Nuts: Almonds, Cashews, Pecans, Pistachios And Walnuts. Field Crops: Alfalfa, Cotton, Tobacco, Soybeans And Corn. Ornamental Crops: Flowers, Shrubs, Small Trees, Etc Grasses: Grown

Storage Methods: 

  • Store in cool and dray locked area.
  • Keep far from excessive heat.


  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • Avoid eating, dinking or smoking during the product usage.
  • Must wear special clothes to work (Working Suit – Mask – Gloves - Glasses)
  • Avoid the inhalation and the drizzle of the product and keep it far from eyes, skin And clothes.
  • Must be washed and ironing clothes solo before use again.
  • Don’t use the product near food or drinks.
  • Must dispose from the package by ripping it off and burying it immediately after using it.

Preharvest (PHI) Zero

Please Shake Well Before Use

Available in 5 liters & 1 liter