




This product contains calcium as well as balanced ratios of nitrogen and magnesium.





Calcium (Ca)


Magnesium (Mg)


Nitrogen (N)


Boron (B)


Molybdenum (Mo)

0.05 %




The Compound Characteristics:

  • This compound provides calcium and magnesium and remedies their deficiency symptoms in plants.
  • Calcium plays an important role in increasing the hardness of vegetables and fruits and in increasing their lives after the harvest.
  • Calmax contains nitrogen as it is a mobile constituent in plants and it carries other constituents and transports them to all parts of the plant.
  • Magnesium plays an important role in the formation of chlorophyll of plants leaves and in stimulating enzymes involved in the amino acid synthesis and the cell division process.
  • Boron speeds up calcium transportation within the plant and increases the efficiency of hormone formation thereof.
  • Boron increases the fertility of flowers and fruit nodes and reduces flowers falling phenomenon.
  • Calcium prevents physiological diseases caused by its deficiency such as Blossom End Rot, fruit malformations, Hollow Heart, and fruits and overgrowth cracks.


 The Dose :


Foliar Feeding

Ground Addition

Vegetables and field crops

150-200 Cm3/ 100 liter of water at the flowering stage and the beginning of nodes.

2-3 Liter/ Acre at the flowering stage and at the beginning of nodes.

Fruit, grapes, and bananas trees


Available In 1 Liter